Personal Protection Inside the Home – NRA Advanced Certification Course
Best For: Experienced gun owners who seek advanced focused training for protecting their home with a handgun, or wish get more training than an entry level FL CWP “License” course or Basic/CCW course.
Benefits: Prepares the student with a proper mindset and understanding of responsibilities needed to protect their home with a handgun. Provides home focused security strategy training, and a legal framework for armed protection of the home.
Do you have a Florida CWP Permit or similar experience and want next level training for Home Protection? Do you have Basic skills, do not necessarily carry concealed, but want inside the home defense training?
This Course for law-abiding adult citizens, as defined by applicable federal, state, or local law, that are experienced shooters able to show basic skills of safe gun handling, shooting a group, zeroing the firearm, and cleaning the firearm.
Course topics include (but are not limited to):
- Introduction to Defensive Shooting, Mindset and Mental Preparation, Ethics and Responsibility
- Basic Defensive Pistol Skills, Cover and Concealment, Defensive Accuracy
- Kneeling position and Close-Range Shooting
- Firearms and the Law- Possession, Ownership, Deadly Force (*Taught by a FL Police or K Instructor)
- Strategies for Home Safety, Storage alternatives
- Defensive strategies
- Responding to a Violent Confrontation
- Selecting a Pistol for Self Defense and Training Activities
- Loading and Stoppage Remediation
- NRA Shooting Qualification
Most importantly, during this course you will build the confidence and enthusiasm needed to have fun AND be safe. Students will be exposed to skills improvement methods that you can take home for the future. There will be Q&A time, quality NRA Class Materials, and a hands-on shooting skills experience.
Prerequisites: Proof of shooting experience can be one of the following: NRA Basic Pistol Course Certificate,
NRA pistol competitive shooting qualification card, military DD 214 with pistol qualification, or passing the Pre-Course Assessment (Contact the instructor for the form, it’s not too bad…). This is an 8- hour course. Students should expect to shoot approximately 150 rounds of ammunition in specific drills.
$195 for Tuition and Books, VET/LEO Family discounts are available, Ammunition required: 150 rounds. Course time: Approximately 8 hours…
Please contact us at or call 727-470-0960.